- Through da Dark side -

Whenever we face dark unintentionally, we will always see no way out of here.


Seem, lack of source of light in order to lead us to da next step.

Do not fear and give it no ( little bit ) mercy.

Although da darkie atmosphere looks mysterious and welcoming,

Stay tough and put a full-stop to it, rationally.

Look around carefully,

There is always a twinkling light beyond da darkie side,

Faithfully, it's actually staying by our side time by time,

Give it a little bit confidence, start your very beginning step,

Things will always happen in your ways when you always hunger for a try.

Do not give up!

Notes :
Source of picture,
from a photographer who nick as 'HackZai'.

Assignments month.
Good luck for all my friends,
Anything ring me up! ^^

3 voices:

  1. Sueann said...

    Dont give up. Switch on the light, then got light d. haha=]  

  2. . Jäcky . said...

    Haha. Wa. one of the light spoilt dy in my room. a bit dark now. haha.  

  3. Beverly's Secret said...

    You are right!!

    thank you, friend~~  


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