- Convince or Confuse -

It supposed to be a sweet dream but something just keep bothering and pushing me to think of what have happened previously. It's something very personal - Sadly, might be because of my own personality. I, somehow, feel that I lost a ability. It might be lost for a very long time, even I didn't realize on it. There's a story where I'm trying to convince someone on a matter but it seems I made things into confusion and very likely, thing doesn't delivered in an understanding way. Well, when the story continues, the ending is predictable - Emo.

Perhaps, my thinking is little selfish.


I shall not bother too much. Think narrow, Look further. :)

3 voices:

  1. lili said...

    Sayang bibi.. muack muack..

    No a.. you didn't lose any ability.. because you're always learning and improving..

    Hmm.. guess I'm a little confused over here too, why need to 'think narrow' in the end ar? Hehehe  

  2. . Jäcky . said...

    Thanks o.

    Coz when I scope the area, I can think deeper and further. :D  

  3. lili said...

    But the word narrow somehow is always related to 'narrow-minded'... :p  


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